Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reflecting on 2014

With Yule just a week away, I suppose now is a good time to begin looking back on the year.

I actually started by looking back at 2013 a bit. 2013 was a great year for me in a lot of ways, but my spirituality tended to take a back seat at times. A lot of my energy went to other things, and I have no regrets with that, but for 2014 I did want to bring a bit more balance to my life. I do feel like I've accomplished that.

In 2013, and to some extent 2012, I felt a bit like I was trying to walk in too many directions at once. 2014 has brought some clarity there, and my path has become much less eclectic, and more focused. At this point, it's certainly been working much better for me.

2014 has been the year of coming full circle in many ways. Most notably I have dedicated my time fully to the Greek deities, those deities I originally sought out when I first became pagan, and Aphrodite in particular, being called to work a specific goal with her, making up for my botched and somewhat selfish attempts of so many years ago. It's a real reminder not just of the progress made this year, but of just how far I've come since starting out on this path. It's a nice reminder to have, because I think many of us can get caught up in the idea we should be doing more, or moving faster, and that can cause us to lose sight of the progress we really have made. 

I'm not quite sure what spiritual goals I'll set for 2015 yet, it's something I have to think about a bit more over the next week or so. I suspect community will come into play, somehow, since that's been on my mind for a while now. I know there are also some herbalism projects I'd like to tackle. Still working out the details there.

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